If you're anything like me you might bristle when you hear the words discipline, routine, or habit. I mean, doesn't spontaneous have a much more satisfying ring to it? But, recently I started to see the downside of jumping from one experience (or medium) to the next in my creative life. My work felt a bit unglued and without a cohesive center. I realized I didn't only want more consistent output, but a deeper level of exploration. I found myself wanted to build something more lasting, if only for my own grounded satisfaction.
The idea of devotion seemed like the perfect pathway to this new chapter. It took the dreaded, parochial methodology of "discipline" and replaced it with loving dedication.
With an eye toward shifting habits I embarked on a project called "48 Days of Creative Devotion," wherein I made one creative work a day for, you guessed it, 48 days. My aim was not so much to build a body of work, but to develop a consistent practice.
The rules were simple - make one complete work a day in the medium of my choosing and post it to Facebook without apology, explanation, or justification. Being dedicated to prosperity, I also made sure to price every work.
A lot happened during those 48 days. I learned how to be visible on a grander scale and in doing so inspired other people to do the same. I learned that sometimes when you really, really don't feel like making anything, you make your best work. I learned that the combo of consistency and visibility lead to greater prosperity. I learned that creative devotion allows for new ideas to bubble up and new threads to be explored. And, I learned that just showing up and starting was a huge part of an artist's job.
I recently finished my second round of this project - "48 MORE Days of Creative Devotion" - but this time I asked other folks to join in. To my surprise almost 50 people jumped in at a moment's notice. We shared our work in a private forum and marveled at what came through every day. It was magical.
Are you up for joining me for "48 Days of Creative Devotion?"
We continue our devotion with another round of the project starting on Wednesday March 11th. Anyone interested in creating one complete work a day in any medium is welcome to join us. (If you are a writer of longer form works, you may break this down into something like one page a day, or 250 words a day, etc.) ALL levels of talent welcome - from beginner to professional.
If this intrigues you please email me at allcreativelike@gmail.com and I'll forward you the link to our private, jerk-free, super supportive Facebook forum. And, don't forget, you need not join us to create devotion all on your own. Find out what it looks like for you and then dive in.
Your creative spirit is calling to you.